**UPDATED 9.11-9.12 Taiwan Kaohsiung A Bit Human Market

Update on 9/10: Unfortunately, the event was cancelled because of the upcoming typhoon. We will announce our next event very soon though.

After a long long wait, we are finally going to Taiwan and have an  this year! We will be participating in the "A Bit Human Market" from 9.11(sat) to 9.12(sun) in Kaohsiung.

9/11(sat)-9/12(sun) "A Bit Human Market 小人類 x 手作職人市集"
Place: Kaohsiung The Pier-2 Art Center 高雄駁二大義倉庫
Time: 14:00 - 20:00

This time, not only do we sell our original RARE FIND ZAKKA merchs, we also have a great selection of handmade products designer items from Japan and Hong Kong.

Only a few more days to come, can't wait for it!
by RFZ Panda 💚💚


🎊RARE FIND ZAKKA將會在 「高雄駁二」 出店!
9/11(六)-9/12(日) 小人類 x 手作職人市集
地點: 高雄駁二大義倉庫
時間: 14:00 - 20:00

-「手作 X 飾品 X 雜貨」-
這次除了有RFZ ORIGINALS的原創商品之外,還有日本跟香港作家的手作飾品跟文創雜貨。

來找我們玩的時候,記得參加"追蹤IG活動",還能拿到我們跟香港插畫師cheeky cheeky合作的聯名限定明信片。🎉

by RFZ Panda🐱